Ray gun development

The 4 initial ray gun concepts.

Ray gun 1 is the design I had in mind since the very beginning of the project. It is a revolver with atompunk ray gun details. Simple but effective.

Ray gun 2 is another revolver, but it has more of a cyberpunk aesthetic akin to works such as Blade Runner and Altered Carbon. While I like this design, it would look out of place in a 50s B-movie, so I decided to scrap it.

Ray gun 3 is more of a retro, familiar design that could easily be used in a 50s style B-movie.

Ray gun 4 is basically just a re-skinned Mauser C96, like Han Solo’s blaster.

Ray gun final

The final ray gun concept. This iteration is mainly based on ray gun 1, with some extra details.

The final ray gun with colour. I used silver and gold to make it look like a powerful weapon that packs a punch, as opposed to a plastic toy. I also used some blue and green to retain the B-movie aesthetic and prevent the ray gun from looking too serious.


I also reused the ray gun colour palette on the Space Marine’s badge.

As a side-activity, I wanted to 3D model the ray gun. My tutor said I wouldn’t have time. I made this in 3 hours using Dreams on PS4 just for fun!

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